Some Tips To Succeed in Life

These are the Summary of an Amazing Book "The Magic of Thinking Big" that I've read I guess it's really Awesome Tips We should use in day Life isn't, Take a look at them maybe u gonna Like too Hope So:

  1. Believe you can succeed and you will- Belief is one of the greatest gifts that you can give to yourself and your subconscious mind. Just think how much you can or could have achieved if you had always believed in your ability to achieve anything. If you close your eyes and ask yourself if you could do something then I am sure that you will find that you really can do anything you wish to.
  2. Take Initiative- Initiative is one word which has not often been used in success of all the great people that this world has seen and will continue to see. If they had not taken that one step, that initiative to start then they probably would not have been able to succeed. It's the first step that is the most important because that shows you the ways to succeed in life one step at a time. Just keep on taking that first step every time you get stuck and you will surely find a way out.
  3. Action cures fear- Have you ever experienced a situation that you have always feared in your life. There is a simple solution for getting rid of that fear i.e. to visualize the fear in your mind's eye. Close your eyes and just face the fear that you have and try to come up with a solution to that fear. Even if you don't find the solution you still know how to face it and you will be better prepared to face that fear in future.
  4. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses every week- If you could just sit for about half an hour every week and analyze what went right and what went wrong then you can see considerable change in the way you grow.
  5. Enjoy the Journey rather than waiting for the end result in order to be Happy- Happiness only depends on the way you think. I always thought that when I will grow up I will finally be happy, when I will have a job then I will be happy but when I achieve one thing I realize that I need something else in order to be happy. The best thing is to enjoy the journey to happiness so that you can create more memories on your way to achieving what you really want in your life.
This is the Book u Can take a look at it if u want to:

The Magic of Thinking Big


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